Our learning for the Spring Term covers the 'Computer Science' element of our curriculum. Children learn the starting points of programming in lower key stage 2 and, in Years 5 and 6, children put into practise previous learning by using a physical controller (micro:bit) (Year 5) and creating variables in games (Year 6).
Safer Internet Day
This half-term also includes 'Safer Internet Day' (11th February). On the week of Safer Internet Day, pupils will cover content relating to the theme of this year's day: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.
Pupils in Year 5 and 6 will also have the opportunity to hear from local police about how best to stay safe online.
Year 3
Programming - Sequence in music
This unit explores the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch. It begins with an introduction to the programming environment, which will be new to most learners. They will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The final project is to make a representation of a piano. The unit is paced to focus on all aspects of sequences, and make sure that knowledge is built in a structured manner. Learners also apply stages of program design through this unit.
Year 4
Programming - Repetition in shapes
Learners will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language.
This unit is the first of the two programming units in Year 4, and looks at repetition and loops within programming.
Year 5
Programming - Selection in Physical Computing
A sequence of six lessons that provide a pathway through six projects, ideal for getting started with the micro:bit. Students will develop their use of some core computing concepts through coding and making practical projects.
Projects include a name badge, animation, using inputs and outputs to make an emotion badge, using sensors to make step counters and nightlights, and finally combining skills from previous lessons to make a rock, paper, scissors game.
Pupils will:
- Understand that computers need instructions in a sequence, also known as algorithms, and that these are written as programs in code, a language the computer can understand.
- Learn how sequences and loops can be used to make animations and control programs.
- Gain practical experience and understanding of inputs, outputs, and variables in real-world contexts.
- Learn how logic (‘if…then’ instructions) and sensors combine to make a simple control system.
Year 6
Programming - Variables in Games
This unit explores the concept of variables in programming through games in Scratch. First, learners find out what variables are and relate them to real-world examples of values that can be set and changed. Then they use variables to create a simulation of a scoreboard. In Lessons 2, 3, and 5, which follow the Use-Modify-Create model, learners experiment with variables in an existing project, then modify them, before they create their own project. In Lesson 4, learners focus on design. Finally, in Lesson 6, learners apply their knowledge of variables and design to improve their games in Scratch.