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Religious Education

Religious Education

Curriculum Lead: Jessica Edgeley


“Religion and belief inform our values and are reflected in what we say and behave.” (Religious education in English schools, 2010). At Howard Junior School, we believe RE is an important subject as it provokes challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It is important for all pupils to learn from and about religion, so they can understand the world around them.


Our Religious Education curriculum is balanced and broadly based, promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and as a wider member of society.


We include and promote the British Values, ensuring children are aware of their rights and responsibilities as UK citizens, which is further encompassed in our PSHE curriculum. Our curriculum gives opportunities to promote an ethos of respect for others, challenge stereotypes and build understanding of other cultures and beliefs.



At Howard Junior School, we follow the Norfolk Agreed Syllabus (2019) as the basis for our curriculum. It has been agreed that considering the requirements and guidelines presented in the Agreed Syllabus, the following religions have been selected for study:


  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Sikhism


Each unit focuses on one or several religions which have key questions that will be answered at the end of the unit. This allows children to be religiously literate – having the ability to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and world views. Our Religious Education teaching stresses the importance of enquiry and first-hand experiences wherever possible for both staff and children.


We believe RE makes an important contribution to promote community cohesion and as a school have good ties with the local community. As a school, each year we conduct a Harvest Festival assembly where children have the opportunity to learn about Harvest and the importance of this time of year. As a school and community, we work together to provide Kings Lynn Food Bank with a staggering amount of donations. During the Christmas period, we have Christmas Jumper Day to raise money for Save the Children. We bring our local community together through holding our Christmas Fayre.


We also have close ties with the local church. We attend our annual Christmas Service where pupils understand the Christian Story of Christmas. We also attend our Easter Service where pupils understand the Christian Story of Easter, in particular the resurrection of Christ.


By the end of their journey at Howard, pupils will be encouraged to explore their own beliefs, build their sense of identity and belonging and consider their responsibilities to themselves and others. Our curriculum plays an important role in preparing pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It helps children to become global citizens. Overall, RE is invaluable in an ever-changing and diverse world.