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We've had another busy week - the last one of this action-packed half-term. 

A highlight was of course pancake day - our pupils loved each frying and sometimes flipping (if they were feeling brave) their pancakes. 

In class, we rounded off our Yoga work with the creation of our own flows based on all the learning we have completed in PE this half-term. 

We are busy making our electrical toys, full with the knowledge from our electricity unit. There are some truly wonderful designs. 

We have been looking at percentages in Maths and how to calculate percentages of amounts. 

In English, we finished writing some wonderful suspense stories based on a short animation.

We have continued to look at Victorian art and architecture, as well the Victorian period. Pupils have taken a real interest in this, as well as the rest of their learning this half-term. Mr Kirwan, Mrs Kirwan and Mrs Fox would like to thank pupils for the work and effort they continue to put in.


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