Spring 1 - Week 4 - Learning & Achievements
Another busy week in Year 4! This week the children completed their Spring Assessments in GPS, Spelling, Arithmetic, Reasoning and Reading. We also completed our Spring Multiplication Check and checked our reading level in our Big Cat Scheme. Miss Chapman, Miss Read and I are so proud of the children's resilience and ambition shown this week!
Please see below the rest of our learning and achievements:
English: We continued our sentence stacking lessons based on our book The Whale.
Science: We focused on how air pollution is a threat to the human environment. We identified factors such as acidic lakes, changes to the water cycle and the gas and fumes produced affecting our lungs.
History: We continued our learning of Ancient Rome and focused on the town of Pompeii. We learnt that the nearby mountain Vesuvius had an ash cloud building pressure all day, and it released into a hot pyroclastic flow that perfectly buried and preserved the town for over 2000 years! When archaeologists excavated the town, they found thousands of artefacts, buildings and casts of people frozen. We know a lot about life in Ancient Rome because of the excavation.
Geography: We continued our learning of Eastern Europe by identifying physical features on a map, such as the most famous river (Danube), the longest river (Volga) and mountains (Ural).
PSHE: We continued our topic of Dreams and Goals. We worked in groups to create drama pieces focused on different scenarios. We then discussed as a class how we can set different goals if our dreams don't come true.
RE: We continued our worldview of Buddhism. We learnt about the story of Buddha and the Angry Elephant. We answered comprehension questions based on this text and the importance of compassion.
PE: Handball with ICS coach.
Guided Reading: Retrieval and vocabulary questions based on National Storytelling Week.
Gap Analysis: In Maths we continued our learning of place values in 3-digit and 4-digit numbers by using place value charts and counters.