In English, we have completed a wonderful narrative piece of writing about Peter Pan. We have practised using inverted commas to show the speech of the different characters and have been using fronted adverbials and adjectives to add further description to our writing.
In Maths, we have been learning all about time! This has been a challenging topic for some of the children, but we have persevered and are making lots of progress. Please keep practising learning to tell the time at home!
In Science, we have been looking at different types of rocks and how they are formed. We have also discussed different types of soil and why different plants may need certain types of soil.
In PSHE, we discussed our relationship with the global world. We worked as partners to discuss our 'wants and our needs', which led us on to discuss The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and why it is important that children across the world share the same rights.
In Art, we analysed our self-portraits and discussed what we liked about them and what could be done to improve our paintings next time. All the children have created a beautiful painting!