Another busy week, here in Twiggles class. Lots of amazing learning has taken place.
In P.E pupils have completed outdoor adventurous activities. Pupils have been building on their team-work skills and have completed a variety of activities in teams.
In Geography, we have looked at rivers in Europe. Our first lesson on the topic was to identify the geographical names of parts of the river. We then looked at rivers in Europe and had to locate them on a map. Pupils used their ipad to research the different rivers and to find out which part of the country they were in.
In Art, pupils have drawn a self-portrait including all of their facial features. Pupils then explored using different coloured paints to paint their self-portraits, trying to match their skin tone, their hair colour and eye colour. Pupils then had the opportunity to paint some things around their self-portrait of the things that they like or make them happy.
In English we have moved onto looking at the story of Peter Pan. This week, we have looked at understanding the context of Peter Pan so pupils looked at the author of the book and how he created this story. Pupils then retold the story of Peter Pan using fronted adverbials and adjectives. Pupils did an incredible job of their retelling. Pupils used their phonic knowledge to help with their writing. Pupils also used Peter Pan to answer retrieval questions.
In Science, pupils have been looking at rocks where they have been learning that there are three main rock groups. Pupils had to write about how sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks were formed. We had fantastic writing once again.
In Maths, pupils finish their unit on Fractions and then move onto money where they have been identifying coins, converting between pounds and pence.
In Music, pupils have been practising singing, he's got the whole world in his hand and using the musical instrument glockenspiel.