We have had many exciting things happen this week. Our golden pupil was a pupil who was a real superstar. One of our pupils won the reading champ of the week for amazing progress in their reading assessments. Another pupil won the Bramble's behaviour certificate for showing excellent behaviour, being a kind friend and a fantastic role model. We also had one of our pupils be brave and go up to the assembly to show pupils some British Sign Language.
What an amazing, busy week we have had in Twiggles. We have done so much learning and had great fun too, with fun activities such as egg decorating. The children were able to use their own ideas and create their design for their egg. Children used a variety of materials to create these. I am so proud of all the children's hard work with their egg decorations.
In our Computing lessons, pupils have been looking at branching databases and were able to use their iPad to create their own branching databases.
In Science, we have been looking at plants and have recently created an experiment to see what will happen to celery with food colouring and water in a glass. Pupils had to write their own predictions of what would happen, and we will continue looking into this next week.
In PSHE, we have been looking at strategies for how to keep ourselves and others safe. In this lesson, pupils discussed different scenarios of unsafe situations and had to decide who or what they would do in that situation. There were so many strategies that the pupils came up with which were incredible.
In Maths, we have been looking at mass and capacity. Pupils have measured in grams and kilograms and identified how many grams there are in 1kg.
In D. T, pupils have had the opportunity to learn about mechanisms and have created their own pop-up books about the life cycle of a flower.