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Week beginning 29th January

   Week beginning 29th January   This week we were very excited as our free trees from the Tree council were delivered so we could plant them.

     We prepared the ground by turning it over and digging some holes, then we sorted our trees out into hedgerows and fruit trees. We planted our hedgerow trees in Forest school and our fruit trees we decided to plant on the field. These were varieties of apple, pear, cherry and plum. We now need to take care of our trees to ensure they grow and make sure we have given them plenty to drink every week, especially in dry periods.





     Whilst we were planting we found lots of worms and even a centipede!



       Some of us decided to make some more treats for the birds, including orange bird feeders.



       We also checked our rain gauge and saw we had 1cm worth of rain in the past week!


What a great week. We can’t wait to see our trees grow over the years!