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Howard Junior School adopts the policies of the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust.

For all policies please visit the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust website here :


Howard Junior School Policies protect our students and employees, ensure that we adhere to our legal obligations and make our school more effective. 

Our suite of policies is there to protect staff and pupils and to ensure that expectations are always clear – by following the policy properly, we fulfil our professional obligation.  All staff sign an annual declaration that they have read and understand all key operational policies. 

We now routinely ask for feedback on the efficacy and ease of implementation of all policies when they become due for review and renewal by the Academy Council to try to make sure all staff viewpoints are represented in the review process.  If you have a view on improvements that can potentially be made to any policy, please contribute to these by contacting the clerk to the Academy Council, Deborah Hinks, by emailing


Local Policies

If you would like paper copies of our policies or any other information about the academy, please request this through the office: