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Spring 2 Week 5 Learning & Achievements

Our final week of this term, and we have managed to squeeze in so much learning and fun! For the past five weeks, we have been going swimming, and we have all made progress - from overcoming fear of water up to swimming 25m front and back. Each child has their own special swimming certificate for their achievements - very proud of you all!

In English, we have carried on our balanced argument of abolishing slavery. We wrote reasons for and against it, alongside our concluding paragraph where we gave our own opinion and answered the question 'Should slavery be abolished?'










In Maths, we finished our topic of decimals by finding percentages as decimals and then found equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.








In Science, we finished our final lesson on forces by drawing gears, pulleys and leavers and explaining what their purpose is and examples of them.







We finished our worldview of Christianity by considering all the evidence we have learnt this half-term - if Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed and the importance of destiny and free will.

In PSHE, we finished our learning of Healthy Me by creating our own healthy meals by considering prep and total time, servings and instructions.






In History, we finished our topic of the Transatlantic Slave Trade by learning about four famous abolitionists: Elizabeth Heyrick, Thomas Clarkson, William Wilberforce and Olaudah Equino and the tactics they used to raise awareness.

We also created our own fact file about Thomas Clarkson - researching his birth, family, education, death, legacy and how his tactics of showing the equipment used on slaves and testimonials were important in the abolition of slavery.





Alongside all of our learning, we also found time to celebrate Easter and all of our achievements from this half-term. Well done to our egg-rolling Champion and also our class egg decorating winners for their wonderful Narnia creation!














A huge well done to these 5 pupils for achieving 100% attendance this term - maximum attendance means maximum learning! Also, a huge well done to our Golden Golden Pupil for gaining confidence, working hard on her presentation and quantity of her work, and for beginning to work independently. Mrs T & I are extremely proud of you - keep this up, superstar!

Well done to this pupil for being recognised by the staff for all of his hard work this half-term and earning an Easter egg. A huge well done to our Star of the Half-Term and winner of Miss Edgeley's prestigious fidget spinner for always being kind and helpful to both staff and peers, going above and beyond in her work and for just being a well-loved member of our class. Mrs T & I are incredibly proud of you - keep this up, superstar!









Well done to these pupils for achieving full marks on their times table test!

Well done to our double whammy ReadTheory winner for earning the most knowledge points and taking the most quizzes and well done to our Nessy winner for spending the most time on the app!





Well done to Queen Susan for their long overdue victory to become this week's Narnia Dojo Champions!

We also celebrated birthdays that will be happening over half-term. Thank you for the invitation and the lovely birthday lunch. We hope you both have a lovely 10th birthday girls!

Finally, we ended the day with a chocolate bag and an Easter egg to say well done on an egg-cellent term. Incredibly proud of all the children for their hard work and progress and hope that you all have a restful and wonderful Easter!