Another great week of learning and achievements in Class Lewis. Well done to all these pupils for achieving their 50-point reading certificate - incredibly close to their 60-point certificate and new book!
Some very exciting news this week... last half-term we wrote to Sir David Attenborough to tell him what we had learnt in our Science topic of Living Things and their Habitat alongside asking him questions about his career and achievements. Miss Edgeley also wrote a letter too, thanking him for inspiring the children. Well, we finally got a reply - not just one, but two! We will be getting these framed for the classroom - so proud of all the children for writing letters and it’s lovely to know he has acknowledged this!
In English, we started our two-week topic of a balanced argument. We were given topics and developed our own balanced arguments using formal language. We then worked as a class, building on our knowledge of the Transatlantic Slave Trade to plan our balanced argument - writing reasons for and against it while using bullet points appropriately. We then wrote the opening of our balanced argument using a rhetorical question.
In Maths, we focused on percentages. We understood that percentages mean parts out of a hundred and then found percentages as fractions.
In D.T, we practised our sewing skills - we used different stitches.
We carried on our learning of Healthy Me in PSHE and focused on the role social media has on our body image. We wrote replies to social media posts encouraging positivity about our bodies.
We carried on our worldview of Christianity by using a conscience alley to help Peter decide if he would betray Jesus.
To celebrate Easter, we decorated our eggs and background as part of our annual egg decorating, and we also created our own Easter cards!
Well done to our Star of the Week for always putting in 110%, always producing work to a high standard, always wanting to do better and for being a true role model.
Mrs T & I are very proud of you - keep this up superstar!
Well done to our double whammy Nessy winner for spending the most time on the app and earning the most nuggets and well done to our double whammy ReadTheory winner for taking the most quizzes and earning the most knowledge points!
Well done to King Peter for securing their throne and victory by becoming this week's Narnia Dojo Champions!
Finally, a huge well done to all of these pupils for achieving full marks on their times table test!