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Wow - what an amazing week we've had in Class Lewis! Lots of awards celebrating our hard work and achievements! A huge well done to Queen Lucy for their victorious reign this week, earning 452 Narnia Dojos!

Well done to our first Golden Pupil of the year who has had a fantastic first week back - producing beautiful standards of work and always putting in 110% both inside and outside of school - a true Howard role model. Incredibly proud of you!

Well done to our first Star of the Week of the year. This pupil has impressed Mrs T & I with her resilience and growing confidence in asking for help. Keep this up, superstar!

Well done to the first Goblet of Writing winner in the whole school for her wonderful setting description of a mountain using figurative language and challenging vocabulary! 

Golden Pupil
Star of the Week


Using the book token to get a new book
With her certificate and trophy

 Well done to the first Forest School Champion of the year for his amazing tidying up, especially with raking the leaves. Miss Newell is very proud of you!

Forest School Champ

A huge well done to our Maths Whizz and ReadTheory double whammy winners for earning the Most Usage and Progressions alongside taking the Most Quizzes and earning the Most Knowledge Points!

ReadTheory double whammy winner
Maths Whizz Winners

Alongside all these amazing awards, we have also had another successful week of learning. In Maths, we finished our topic of Fractions through subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. In English, we looked at writing therapies which will help us with writing our newspaper report. In Science, we drew the life cycles of amphibians and mammals, explaining the difference between both.

We started our first Spanish lesson by learning basic greetings: saying hello, good morning and good afternoon! We were gymnasts in PE, creating our own sequences of symmetrical and asymmetrical balances. In Art, we started our new topic of Western African Art by sketching Chiwara headdresses and in PSHE we spoke about our dreams and goals for when we grow up. We're excited for another week of learning!