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Spring 1 Week 5 - Learning

A truly fantastic week of learning in Class Lewis - we've been all over the world! In Science, we researched the lives of two scientists: Jane Goodall and her work with the chimpanzees and David Attenborough and his work with natural history. We then created our double-page spreads about their lives and achievements. Some beautiful work was produced!

Listening to Little People Big Dreams about David Attenborough

We flew to Australia to learn about the rampant rabbits - why they are an invasive species and how Australians have prevented their population from growing.

















Our next pit stop was Spain, and we consolidated our understanding of the Spanish alphabet and refreshed upon our sounds from last week. This week we were introduced to our new sounds: ga, ge, gi, go and gu.

1, 2, 3... roll! In PE, we carried on our Gymnastics topic by introducing rolls into our sequences. We learnt the barrel, straddle, straight, forward and backwards roll. We then included this in our sequences alongside our previous learning of asymmetrical and symmetrical balances. 10/10 from me!















We're really enjoying our PSHE topic of Dreams and Goals. In groups, we created our own charity events: deciding on the materials needed, steps to be taken, the outcome of our event and the roles we would take. Some very thoughtful and inventive ideas.

Acting event

Funfair event








Petting zoo






     The children are making great progress in their spelling and are enjoying our new             Spelling Scheme - Pathways to Spell. This week we have focused on contractions and        have identified and written the contracted form with the expanded form. We then            wrote sentences to help us remember these contractions.

In Maths, we finished our multiplication and division topic. This week we focused on division and are feeling much more positive about the bus stop method.

Efficient Division


In English, we were transported back to the Battle of Trafalgar. This week we edited and rewrote our newspaper report, ensuring we write chronologically, including quotes with direct and indirect speech, fronted adverbials, conjunctive adverbs and parenthesis. We even drew our own images with captions to illustrate. Many gold cards are given - incredibly proud of the progress we have made in writing as a whole class. Well done Year 5!