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Spring 1 - Week 4 Learning

Another busy week of learning in Class Lewis! In Maths, we have consolidated our understanding of multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number, applied our multiplication knowledge to answer word problems, used the bus stop method for short division and, as a class, answered problem-solving and reasoning questions. A class full of Mathletes - very impressed!

Multiplying 4-digits by 2-digits
Multiplication word problems





Short Division

We have become newspaper reporters in English as we have planned and begun to write our newspaper report on the Battle of Trafalgar. We've worked hard on our grammar through the use of colons, brackets and inverted commas. I'm very proud of you all!

Our plans with all the key features
Our opening 












Our main body - chronological recount of events
















 In Science, we learnt about flowering plants and why insects are so important in helping them   reproduce. We then labelled parts of a flower.

Our main body - quotes


In Geography, we identified the different biomes found in Australia - showing our understanding through sketching and labelling. We also spoke about the climate and why climate change is causing bushfires.








From Australia to West Africa, we sketched our large insects in preparation to transfer these designs onto our cardboard next week. We can't wait to create our Mali headdresses.

In Spanish, we carried on our understanding of the alphabet and phonemes by learning new sounds and applying them in sentences.

We ended the week with PSHE and wrote about our dream jobs and careers. We researched and explained the key responsibilites and duties, qualifications, salary and the steps needed to achieve it.

Dream job
Dream career