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Summer 1 Week 5 Learning & Achievements

We've had another busy week in Class Lewis - lots of beautiful work produced and lots of achievements to celebrate.
Well done to the whole class for achieving their 20-point reading certificate - clear to see we love reading in 5Ed!


In English, we revised, edited and published our creative writing pieces based on Oliver Twist. We used ambitious language choices, relative clauses, parenthesis and personification to write an opening, build up and climax! Well done to our Kahoot Podium winners too for their knowledge of adverbial phrases.

In Maths, we used protractors to draw lines and angles accurately, calculated angles around a point and on a straight line, and found the length and angles in shapes.










In Science, we finished our last lesson on Astronomy by drawing and defining different parts of our Solar System: galaxy, star, supercluster and galaxy cluster.
Well done to this pupil who created a crochet Saturn - lovely to see you engaged in your learning!















In Computing, we continued to use the Titanic database to help us present data visually.
We identified which charts were best suited, what information would be on the axes and if we had to use search.

In RE, we continued our worldview of Judaism. We explained how the sacred books of the Talmud, Torah and Tanakh, with their stories impact on the life of Jews today.

In Spanish, we continued our learning of the cafeteria.
We learnt the currency in Spain is euros and cents, and used our knowledge of numbers to ask for the bill using please and thank you.

In Art, we learnt how a relief print was made. We focussed on Hokusai's Mount Fuji and wrote what we could see, guess and know.

Before our afternoon of the House Football Tournament, the children enjoyed creating banners for their Harry Potter houses!

Mrs T & I are very proud of our Golden Pupil this week. He has been listening to instructions and taking criticism on board to make his work better and has had a transformation in the quality of work produced. A much more positive outlook on school life - keep this superstar.

We are also very proud of our Star of the Week for always going out of his way to help others, producing beautiful standards of work and just a true role model both inside and outside of school. He has also shared all of his medals and trophies for running and football - extremely proud of you!


Well done to this pupil for being the Golden Carrot winner in the whole school. She goes above and beyond to help staff and pupils, and is a true role model!

Well done to this pupil for being the Reading Champion in the whole school for his confidence to read a book aloud to the whole class.
We loved hearing about the chocolate cake!

Well done to our ReadTheory winners for taking the most quizzes and earning the most knowledge points!

Well done to Queen Lucy for winning the Narnia Dojos with 199! So far, in the lead to become the Ultimate Narnia Dojo Champions at the end of the school year!

Finally, 95% of the class achieved full marks on their times table test - a testament to your hard work!